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LEXINGTON, KY — Florida residents are on a long road to recovery from Hurricane Helene, with thousands still without power. Emergency Disaster Services, a company located in Lexington, deals with areas currently experiencing disasters.

Matt Daley, a Director of Emergency Disaster Services, is in Florida trying to help those affected by Helene by providing base camps for utility workers, which include housing, food, water, and other basic needs to help keep them going. The results are fast and efficient.

“What might take a week, week and half, will just take a couple of days because we are putting them right by the affected area,” said Matt Daley.

EDS said it is taking care of around nine thousand workers stationed from Florida to Georgia. And Kentuckians are leading the charge.

“When these individuals erect an entire city inside about 24 to 48 hours,” said Daley, “It’s all done by Kentuckians.”

Daley knows people are willing to help out. He says just be on the lookout for those opportunities.

“You have a lot of folks from the nonprofit sector here assisting folks,” said Daley. “I always say try to go online and find those who are doing that work if you want to contribute your time.”

Since Helene has passed, those who were affected have started to rebuild. Daley knows that his work is helping others, but they must be ready for the next disaster.